Влияние на рынок нержавеющей стали Китая

Супераустенитная нержавеющая сталь (904л)

Влияние на рынок нержавеющей стали Китая

Indonesia and EU Dispute Over Export Ban

Ongoing WTO Dispute

For years, Indonesia and the European Union have been at odds over Indonesia’s export ban on a critical raw material. The EU initially won the case at the World Trade Organization (WTO), but Indonesia appealed. The case remains unresolved due to a shortage of WTO judges.

Влияние на рынок нержавеющей стали Китая

Nickel Ore Supply Disruptions

Disruptions in nickel ore supply have driven up ferronickel prices, leading to higher stainless steel prices in China. Although refined nickel product supplies from Indonesia to China remain stable, Indonesian producers still rely on ore imports from the Philippines.

Rising Demand for Ferronickel

China’s demand for ferronickel is evident from the substantial import volumes. From January to April 2024, nearly 3 million tonnes were imported, a 32% increase from the previous year. Refined nickel product imports rose by 12.8% during the same period.

These factors have significantly impacted ferronickel prices, which in turn have driven up prices for Chinese stainless steel.

Теда Ганхуа Металл -17 годы
Поставщик листов / пластин из нержавеющей стали

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