Steel and Iron Ore Trade Statistics for China

Steel Trade

Steel and Iron Ore Trade Statistics for China

Steel and Iron Ore Trade Statistics for ChinaMay 2024

Steel Exports

In May 2024, China exported 9.631 million tons of steel, a 4.4% increase from the previous month. The average price was $783.7 per ton, up 0.8% from April. From January to May, China exported a total of 44.655 million tons of steel, marking a 24.7% increase from the previous year.

Steel Imports

China imported 637,000 tons of steel in May 2024, a 3.2% decrease from April. The average price was $1,651.5 per ton, down 3.3%. Between January and May, total steel imports amounted to 3.043 million tons, a 2.7% decrease from the previous year.

Iron Ore Imports

In May 2024, China imported 102.033 million tons of iron ore, up 0.2% from the previous month. The average price was $105.8 per ton, a 6.5% decrease from April. From January to May, China imported a total of 513.746 million tons of iron ore, a 7.0% increase from the previous year.

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