Current Nickel Volatility Due to Profit Taking?

304 stainless steel sheet prices

Current Nickel Volatility Due to Profit Taking?

Current Nickel Volatility Due to Profit Taking?


Nickel prices have become highly volatile once again. Is this due to classic profit-taking by market players? We believe there are strong indications of this. 추가적으로, the Federal Reserve (FED) is expected to announce its stance on interest rates in the United States today.

Nickel Price Fluctuations

Nickel prices on the London Metal Exchange (LME) have dropped since their peak in mid-May 2024. This decline has occurred despite no significant fundamental changes. A possible reason is the mid-month contract changes, which typically affect base metal prices.

US Interest Rate Decision

Today, June 5, Jerome Powell, Chair of the Federal Reserve, will deliver his regular speech. Most analysts and investors expect the US key interest rate to remain stable. The anticipated decisions of major central banks are likely already reflected in exchange rates.

Market Reactions

In light of these anticipated decisions, some investors have likely adjusted or reduced their positions, although not entirely exiting commodity stocks. This profit-taking behavior could be contributing to the current volatility in nickel prices.


We hope this summary provides a clearer understanding of the current movements in the commodities market. Please note, this is our opinion and should not be considered legally binding advice.

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